Hello everyone!
It's been a while and since there's been a lot of development with the new KDEN update I figured this would be a good time to update everyone on what to expect.
I've been extremely fortunate to have some amazing customers who work at the airport, send me a slew of previous photos of the massive expansions happening at the airport. It's become apparent that this is by far one of the biggest real world expansions at an airport I've seen in some time. For this reason I'm breaking this update up into 2 or 3 separate updates. The reason for this is due to the nature of the update, which is free, and the considerable time it takes just to update one terminal. I'm not simply adding the new expansion section.. each massive terminal in its entirety is being updated with big visual upgrades:
- New 4k textures and updated PBR
- Exterior modeling upgrades
- Entirely new interior, completely re-made from scratch
- Brand new Flightbeam Gen-5 Jetways at each gate
- Static passengers at some gates
- ... and most obviously.. the new expanded section of the terminal.
The first update is coming soon, and it will feature the newly renovated Concourse B, which is the largest one at KDEN. The reason B comes first is simple, the construction of this expansion at the real airport is long complete already (the other expansions are still under construction at the airport). Note that there is still ongoing construction on the east side of Concourse B at the regional gates, this new section will not be included yet.
Along with those upgrades, I'll also be including proper airline codes for each gate, to accommodate the new AI traffic programs that have been recently coming out. Those changes will be reflected at ALL gates with the first update.
Lastly, a few teasers:

Disclaimer: Note that features may be subject to change at any time.
Really enjoy all of the scenery you guys put out! Any chance in including actual airport terrain/elevation data? I've flown into DEN numerous times as a pilot and there are areas between the runways at Denver that slope up/down, and have large noticeable hills in-between (especially on the easy side in-between 17L/R), and the lower elevation of 34L. I've also noticed the runways in the sim are at the same elevation, which makes inputting approach minimums difficult with following real-world charts and their runway elevations. Do you plan to update terrain/elevation details across the airport? Thanks!
Really lookin forward to the updates. There's one thing on my mind though. You were talking about 4K textures. Will there be lower res textures available, too in case the 4K textures impact performance on some computers?
What version of DEN is this?
What does this mean for SFO, MSP, and PHX? Have their timelines been pushed back?
Any chance this ever makes it to P3D for us other sim customers? Thanks.