Our contributor, Filip Kalin has a treat for GSX and KIAD users.. a custom made profile, with support for Marketplace users.
This profile includes all gates, remote stands, cargo stands and GA parking.
With the inclusion of the .bgl file this means that the profile is also compatible with the Marketplace version of the scenery!
The profile aims to be as close as possible to real life and every parking position features:
Accurate ground handling and catering companies
Accurate stop positions (based on the PMDG 737-800, might be inaccurate for other aircraft)
Custom vehicle placements
Custom pushbacks
Passengers walking inside the terminal
NOTE: Walk-in gates A1A to A6F are not included due to GSX not recognizing these gates correctly
Download & Installation:
Download: KIAD GSX Profile
Extract the .zip file and move the .ini and .bgl files to %APPDATA%\Virtuali\GSX\MSFS
If you have any feedback or would like to download more GSX profiles you can find me at https://flightsim.to/profile/reverentan
Disclaimer: This is an unofficial modification and is not supported by Flightbeam Support